Saturday, 11 September 2010

written from my stinkin prison cell

cry if you want

which of us men hasn't cried
you,re shouted at like a five year old
squat when you're told
squat till you're old

no radio, no internet, no chocolate , no image of a woman
fifteen hoiur lie down lock up
day by groundhog day
who wouldn't cry

who wouldn't die some-where inside hunting for
some-where to find solice
some-place that must exist some-where
and even if it doesn't
it must
just somewhere

my kingdom for a woman
versus this hard tiled floor for a bed.
these mosquito fenced iron cages
this supressing humidity,
this incescant open toilet odour of raw pointlessness
cry why don't ya

by lateral thinking
us bunched homo sapiens
cognatively redundant
as predisposed as canon fodder
only less
constructive than an ant
are wasting flesh

this bland ruptured womb
these brideless grooms re-instutionalising to get on
to get over
by now, just to get off
Parasites and dreggs like shore spit
Who wouldn't cry

the ceiling bears crosscurrants of alto vibrations
10kg wrought iron shackles
drudging anchors of 23 hour 23 year solitary lock ups
ringing serated monotones in macarbe rolling hums

and though the sobering screech is harsher than deserting wildlife from this bottomless pit
the vultures are as good as dined by clockwork
for the corns are ripped fom society's mischeivous little toes
and discarded
Who wouldn't cry

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