Friday, 10 September 2010


The day I became a wage slave was when i got this job
I used to be a ganja selling benefit claiming slob
and now i've joined the ranks of insidious wanks
who'd do anything in servitude for approval from the ranks

I work for the council
so misdemeanors I used to do
if I see you doing them
i'm telling on you
And don't try to bribe us
........................... because that's libelous

If you use the neighbour's dustbin
or your stall is over the line or there are squatters in the basement,
naughty naughty
pay the fine
or be prone to eviction
shafted by Orwelians

I'm that tenacious little bastard that keeps coming round your house repeating "what's the square root of your garden,
who's she, what's this all about
at six o clock when i knock off you can do what you like
I'dve shed the persona of little shit
for regular little shite

As i walk past the clinic there are guys shuffling like their knobs hurt
and the exit only guard stands inside the glass door being a jobsworth

I pop to the shop where the african security guard waits for black males
to wake him up so he can jigerboo (it never fails)
to pander to higher office, and even if nodody listens
a glance from top brass means he's scored by virtue of recocognition
You couldn't buy encouragement like white collar acknowledgement

how else do you climb the ladder
when you want to be pre Madonna
but to chew on dicks and pencil sticks
with cctv's on every corner
So I'm more whore than four wardens or
journalists who'd sneak in on a president and get him impeached
Nixon ; gutted toenail to head before being hung out, unhung and bleached

so i'm the hannibal lecter,
bus ticket inspector
I'm the clerk barking down the phone,
at the pensioner in debt who lives alone
The childless 'Family liason officer', who intervenes between you and yours
who extrapolates from red tape then adjudicates in the flavour of my flaws
I hit and miss
But I pursue trivia like an alpha mongoose following pheremones in a trail of ovulation piss
and hereby affirm the unspoken charter of the fellowship of jobsworths

unless i can exploit them

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