Life is an amazing entity
While its purpose is to give it purpose
it's what you make it
Grab it; because some-one's gotta have it
And if it's passing you by, then pick up the pace
Though low lives on the high life tend to dominate the fast lane
having the ’ride of their life’
So life sucks
It turns you from juicy ripe red plum to prune grey
But life’s a great fat nipple-in waiting full of ambrosia
hovering like a pregnant whirlwind
Suck back
Better you dive in and guzzle as long as you live
cause you're a long time breast-less
Get your laughing gear around that
instead of spending your life preparing for life
A garden is a series of losses set against a few triumphs;
that's real life. Ya gotta love it
and dying; so erotic
Confront it. and get a life
When it's over we can review what we’d spent it on
Whether we read our religions in our words or our lives
To choose life is to choose me as I choose to be free
No idea when it'll end or how
only how I’ll live, right now
Yesterday’s dreams then, are good ones; joyful
Tomorrow’s a vision o’ keeping the boy full
Because life goes on as so it must
Dutiful bread of existences crust
While bread and lilies are the be and end
life is a box of chocolates
Rogue sweeteners erode pearly whites
It’s a bed of roses, picture perfect in a frame of thorn stems
A classic worth singing from a 'A' minor to 'G' major
with six billion voice choir and flute
over the steady drum soldiering on;
loyal as privates crossing a Somme
The essence of it
To explore life as though each day was your last
as how you spend your days is how you live your life
You get just one and you know it
though fore-armed with wisdom we're still dumb enough to blow it
since no other bitch is so intimate
that if all fails you can fuck it
C'est la vie
In any case ; you'll not get out alive
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