When she walked passed
vanilla and honest
little drops of melanin on her face like enriched soil placed by the hand of the artist
she wore the coolest breeze
As she went on my life followed
in its darkness and its lights
Air shot through me in pellets of exploding cyclones
and I was born again with the primal impuse
to go to her
The threshold was a black hole of alternative realities
and I stood in her aura, sedated in the dream they reserved for me
uniquely humble in a sublime desert of paralysis abandoned by myself
peering through a porthole of infinity to a memory of a future where we grew together, and raised a family
In reality she was physically close enough to absorb me in a Cassiopeian cluster
My disciplines dispersed haemorraging my spirt which spilled out of my mouth
and laying twelve million daisies at her feet it said
"I think you're fucking beautiful."
She smiled
and having kamakazied I scurried away embarrassed by the nakedness of honesty
I saw her the next day
an angelic illusion of a typical human tinged with desire, vulnerability,confusion
elavating rites of passage with undisclosed intimacies still in their infancies like blind children
and of sound mind I chanced a stroll through a sliding door
I dropped the key to being alone and free fell into the first spring of a virgin zone
Within seven days my universe was made beyond the clinical inadequacies of bar coding
and I floated on air making imprints on clouds
I saw us from astral projections wrestling in the park, raw sex in the car and growing closer and closer, not as the rght and left hand but the body
Nothing mattered more on this mortal coil than the euphoria of our inter-commuting atoms welcomed like prodigal sons
and the addiction to the cosmic endorphins of our liberty
Just looking at her
was exhilarating
She's indistinguishable from the origins of time and I always sensed that a god had just entered the room and started plucking at my plasma
scattering it into ten thousand lives
that stood at the entrance of Fjords bellowing ghosts
that climbed the shoulders of the sky and free fell to her centrifuge to drink melodies from her hands
She once asked to taste dying by my hand
She called it asphyxiating but I reckon it was a reckoning
and with all I am
loving deeper than conciousness
Declaring love three little word incantations
that would set black magic priestesses dancing a frenzy
as if they were
hypnotic hyroglyphics from the Temple walls of Ramses
I made her asleep
and as she faded into the abyss I trailed her every beat because I missed her
As her breath returned and her eyes coughed open. our celestial cells were ski-ing barefoot in yellowstone rivers crossing thresholds
Her tied to my bed
I gorged vulvic fruit of her in eunuch's obsession to nourish my grasslands
honoured that I could love her more than I could love myself
staring at her in Nirvana
with my bodiless particles
running barefoot beside morrocon horses as free as her
trekked valleys from Yosemite to Kashmir and showered under Iguazi falls
And just talking to her
my stellar anti-atoms hop skipped piers of water bungalows where the sun welcomes with a smile through the bosom of the sea
moved with her on the dunes of of Sossusvlei bathed in red light to to sleep under meteor showers with gawping heads of Nemrut dagi
knowing our initials are immortalised on a tree in a central reservation outside Hyde Park
and having done all of the things one should do before his 791st birthday short of shaking hands with Jesus Christ
woke at sunrise in a Danube delta
She pulled a handbrake on the rotation of earth and time chilled hydrolically
and that's when my jaw dropped in headless oblivion because it's difficult to speak when happiness is actually within reach
The tears that I cried when she said goodbye
returned to re-cry when there were none left inside
It transpired
that my spacial awarness rewired
and though I don't know where her heart is now
she is there in the loops of my vowels and the infinite space between secondsand though I don't know where her heart is now
and I'm still dazed if a bit pleased that I'm subtly unreleased
from the untethered soul of a masterpiece